Sometimes people tell me they just want the cheapest price possible. When shopping for a car, boat or television this attitude can be a good idea. You’re going to get the same warranty on a Sony TV at Wal-Mart or Costco so unless you have a store preference price is really all that really matters.
When shopping for a service company saying “I'm just looking for the cheapest price.” will likely get you one or more of the following:
• An underpaid inexperienced technician
• Costly mistakes that you may not be able to detect right away
• The lowest quality products
• The absolute least amount of time and materials
• An awful experience

The fact is Cut-rate service companies charge less because they do less. In most cases they do a lot less and homeowners are forced to pay someone else to redo their shoddy work.
A good service company will add value to your property. A job that is done right the first time and that will last for years. Remember the cheapskate always pays twice. Always get the right people for the job and be willing to pay for quality service.